Friday, February 25, 2011

Long Does Drysol Take Work

DIY: My first attempt at sewing


With the holidays, I have a little more time to devote myself to my new passions, sewing. I warn now, I'm at my debut so to the experts, you'll certainly flaws ( but I'm rather proud ), besides, I'm all ears for any advice. I still have some way to go!

I have other projects (deck, jacket, scarf ...) but as said quietly but surely.

Fabric - The Chemist (Low Street in Old Lille)
Nournours - The small souk (street of Paris, Lille)

you soon & good weekend!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Amount Of Sudden Gush

A place that has the dog! Pomme de Reinette



I hope you are well For me it's a holiday week but that does not mean idleness.

Coat - Camaïeu / Scarf - H & M / Pants - Shop Menin / Shoes - New Look / Sweater - Zara / Pouch - Vintage Tilt / Ring and Bar - Hand made / Badge - Badgorama

Short of spending in everything and anything, I make my own mimine accessories to begin with this bar for the hair (see You had better next time ) and this ring. I went to The Chemist ( Lower Street for Lille), after some shopping, a little sewing or glue, voila. That's accessories, jewelry for less!

This badge, I made myself one and I offered one to my boyfriend for Christmas ( I assure you it was spoiled ). Always made in Lille since I ordered from Badgorama (29 rue Royale ). You can order directly on the site of predesigned and custom buttons for the same price (€ 3 each ). They can deliver free or you can also go directly to the store. They are very nice! Finally

always Lille I bought this package of key street (in Old Lille therefore wish ) is new, the store opened in early December. It's a nice place and the prices are not excessive!

Good week to you,
Rest well if you're on vacation and good luck for others.