Tuesday, June 28, 2005

How Long Does It Take To Heal Housed Tailbone


The entire city was irradiated echoes, effects of a devastating wave of paranoid bienpensance cultivated by the masters of a bygone era censors.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Examples Of Communicable Diseases


Sowers of contemporary intellectual famine, all in their attitude reminiscent of the vacuum. Souls dug by nothingness and squatted by frivolity, their heads haloed nullity dazzling bodies sleepwalking waddle in these postures reminiscent of amyotrophic stunned. Sphyncters oracular suffering from incontinence oral activated by this idiot jaw gymnastics, tap the oral debit sub-maxims pressed into juice and concentrate consensualité vanity. Brain waste mat made by hiccups, the agreed and appropriate dégobillés by spasmodic contractions are ejected in a jet composed of REVOM Newspeak, a wave of this humanism imbued foul rancid transvestite longstanding humanolâtrie blissful.