Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tom Brown Tracker Knife Sheath


A first, but the discovery worth sharing:

The video is not exceptional, but the show, yes!
So it Frenak Pal, representing a few days at the Centre National de la Danse in Pantin. And like everyone else does not live Pantin, the show was Live Web filmed for Arte and it will be available on the net in some time.

It is difficult to summarize or even give an idea of this dance, let's just say it speaks of desire, violence sometimes, so sometimes dramatic, sometimes shifted. This work integrates the millimeter music and highlighted perfect: the result is as striking as gratifying. In short, it takes you and it does not let you go.
For skeptics (even the real video of Arte), the trio back to bare (almost) final on sofa it's just awesome. For skeptics skeptics, but in love with Antony Hegarty, is his wonderful recovery Knocking on Heaven's Door completes the representation. For very skeptical, I do not really see what I can do for you. If an image ...

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Free O.p. Agarwal Iit Chemistry

Text # 3

The third time Séverine deciphered quickly print:
Madame Anais - mezzanine left.

And she entered the fourth.
Séverine did not know how to model climbs the stairs, or how she was, a door opened in front of a nice big blonde woman still young. The breath failed him. She tried to escape, did not dare. She heard:
"You wish, Mademoiselle?
And whispered
"It is you who are ... that you hold.
"I'm Mrs. Anais.
"Then I wanted ...
Séverine glanced stray on the hall where it was:
-Come talk quietly," says Anais. She introduced the young woman in a dark room lined paper, with a large bed quilts red.
"Well, my dear," replied Mrs. Anais soon with good humor, you would like to put some butter on your bread. I am ready to help. You are nice and fresh. This is the kind pleasing here. Half for you, half for me. I fee.
Séverine nodded without answering. Ms. Anais embraced.
-A little emotional, I see, "she said. The first time, right? You see, this is not very terrible. It is too early, your buddies are not there. Otherwise they would say. When do you start?
"I do not know ... I see.
Séverine suddenly exclaimed forcefully as if she feared not being able to go out:
-In any case at five o'clock I must go away ... You.
-As you wish my dear. Two to five is a good time. You'll be the Belle de Jour what. Only must be accurate, otherwise we get angry. At five o'clock you will be free. A boyfriend who is waiting for you, is not it? Or a small husband ...

"Or a little husband ... Or ... Or a hubby hubby ..."
These words on which she had suddenly Ms. Anais left, Séverine murmured the stubbornly. She did not understand them, but was overwhelmed. She passed the colonnade of the Louvre, this looked so noble facade whose simplicity, a second, did him good, but she immediately turned her head and she was not entitled to this show.

Belle de Jour, Joseph Kessel.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Japanese Bus Rape Real

The adventure continues!

After Saint-Cyr-sur-Loire, is the turn of Orleans to host "Behind-the-bushes"
of 5 to 22 February at the Urban Agency of the Orléans area. Who
of Saint-Cyr or Orleans will be the more appointments?