Morose tales of boredom authors
But what were these maggots swarming over the corpse of what is still dared to call French literature in the late 90s?
Forfeiture wanted some publishers, led by muddy cabotins better known for their antics in nightclubs as for their literary flair, published the diaries of sluts who were rolling in money, but fortunate that depressive Pissy monetize the stories were commonplace in their thousand and one parts of double penetration. Chatter on their double strokes spewed by mouth-gaping holes.
Otherwise, it was impossible to visit his publisher during those years without encountering these pederasts widowers, purulent idiots who were trying desperately to publish collections of poems umpteenth their boyfriends sidaïques expired (dead texts -Roses). Sub-suppurative poetry by hacks whose only transcriptase pointless. Even peddled under the cloak of universal thought did not want it.
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